Far too long since I last posted – and particularly because there is a wonderfully happy ending to May’s story of Bertie’s last pup. A distraught couple got in touch with the friends of mine who actually bred Bertie, to ask if he, by any chance, had a Springer dog pup available. They had bought two from him, three or four years ago – brothers of my own little Prince – and were devastated because one of them had died.
My friend the breeder said, no, sadly, he’d just sold the last of a recent litter. And he had put down the phone when – hallelujah – he recalled Bertie’s progeny, rang these people back, and put them on to Keeper Dave who, indeed, still had the last little liver and white dog – by this time christened Wooster (in honour of his Dad, naturally). The couple hastened up to the hills, fell in love with young Wooster on the spot (he has all his Dad’s charm), and are – by all accounts – blissfully happy.
What’s more, the little lad is apparently behaving impeccably. And – would you credit it? – this accords with reports coming in from all sides about Bert’s offspring. Friends from far and wide have been taking huge pleasure in telling me how biddable these pups have proved, how easily trained – dammit, I’m actually told they haven’t needed any training at all: the tiniest toot from a whistle and they’re scurrying back to heel. This, as you might imagine, makes me – who has invested three years, heart, soul and lifeblood in the attempt to bring Bertie half way to heel – feel pretty inadequate.
So you can also imagine my delicious shiver of delight on learning that the sole bitch of the litter, which Dave chose to keep, the black & white image of her beautifully behaved mother, is now proving to be… yes, an absolute monster. Has learned to leap on to the roof of the kennel, thence over the wall – and heigh-ho off to the moors with a merry whoop and total disregard for Dave’s shouting, whistling, swearing. And him a keeper, too. That’s my girl. I can't quite fathom why they've chosen to christen her Katy.
Otherwise, forgive me for boasting, but I’m dead chuffed by glowing reviews in Washington Post & Seattle Times for 'Vanity & Vexation' (otherwise known as 'Lions & Liquorice'). I’ll post them on to the appropriate pages of the site when I have a minute, but there’s the novel to write (new working title: 'Cute, Smart and Loaded' – and if you think you spot a Jane Austen connection you’re right, but don’t worry, the title is unlikely to endure), a new kitchen installed (which has mopped up every available second these past six months: I spent five weeks washing up on a wheelbarrow outside the back door), and the grouse-beating season is under way. My leg muscles are screaming. It can only get easier…
posted by Kate @
11:51:23 AM
Saturday, August 28, 2004  |