Writing with difficulty on account of having been attacked by a bee – or maybe a wasp. I wouldn’t know because I was asleep in bed at the time, but I’m violently allergic to both sorts of sting, and so have had a right hand inflated to the size of a baseball glove these past two days. Apparently such allergies, like asthma, are on the march these days. Makes you wonder why.
But while glowering round the house, hand strapped up to my neck (think Napoleon post-Borodino), unable to type and even less able to practise the hymns for a repeat booking on the t’organ at a local church’s harvest festival (may have to rely on Divine inspiration here), I’ve been mulling over the tricky question of what to wear to Buckingham Palace. Like you do. HM (have I mentioned this?) saw fit to include my husband in her birthday honours, and thus he’s going down to get his OBE later this month. Easy for the chaps, of course. Morning suit and bob’s your uncle.
But – as I was trying to explain (without much success) to Ian, it’s not so easy for us female hangers-on. I really don’t fancy the sort of pink or pistachio-green silky confection that makes you look like the mother-of-the-bride, not least because it’d cost a fortune and is destined to hang unworn in the wardrobe from now until Oxfam time, unless an unexpected wedding intervenes. But – natch – one wants to look smart. I certainly fancy a big hat. Only trouble is, it will have to be a very big hat indeed, on account of I have a monstrously outsize head. I’m talking literally here, not metaphorically – my recently purchased tweed flat cap is a man’s extra-extra large. Thus, smart ladies’ hats tend to perch on top of my bonce like a frilly egg-cup. I’ve heard rumours that there is at least one company which specializes in big sizes, but I’ve yet to locate them. Any suggestions would be welcome. Attached as I am to my new cap, I don’t think it’s quite the ticket for the palace.
I’ve been getting – indeed have always received – quite a lot of e-mails asking how to get hold of copies of my books. I’m afraid this is a problem. Amazon seems to deal in second hand copies, but I’ve heard frightening prices quoted – at least, I’m very flattered that anyone would want to pay such steep sums of money for my scribblings, but quite understand that most people would not. My publishers are talking about a smart new edition of past titles to coincide with publication of the new book – but I have, ahem, got to finish writing it first. So, with the bee-stung hand able to type again, I’d better get back to work.
posted by Kate @
12:23:10 PM
Thursday, October 02, 2003  |